“Study Abroad ... Crossing Borders and Daring to Dream,” is this year’s theme for the Association of Academic Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (AAPLAC) 27th annual conference, hosted this year at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. InteRDom representatives are excited to participate in the 4-day conference that includes workshops, excursions and social activities from February 17-20, 2016. The conference is an opportunity for participants to share knowledge and ideas, explore new strategies in international exchange and reflect upon their roles as international educators. This is the fourth year that InteRDom has participated in the AAPLAC conference, while also hosting the conference in Santo Domingo in 2015 for the first time... Read More
After 4 days of intensive working sessions, riveting speakers, cultural workshops and excursions and a lot of networking and exchange of ideas, the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Academic Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (AAPLAC) drew to a close on Saturday, February 21st with a final cultural excursion to the historic ruins of Boca de Nigua sugar plantation in the southwestern part of the Dominican Republic. The Boca de Nigua trip is the final of the cultural activities included in the program, which began with a guided tour through the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo. Participants also heard a workshop on the Dominican Carnival from renowned historian and cultural expert Dagoberto... Read More
On the evening of February 18, 2015 more than 75 local and international education and exchange professionals gathered in the auditorium of Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode) in Santo Domingo to officially open the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Academic Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (AAPLAC). The event marked the beginning of a 4-day conference for representatives of international exchange programs to discuss the theme “Preparing Today’s Students to Uncover Local Realities in Latin America and the Caribbean.” After a brief welcome and introduction to one of the Foundations’ newest student exchange initiatives, the Global Dominican Academic Exchange Program (GDAE), InteRDom, GDAE and Fellows program manager Mandy Sciacchitano announced the... Read More
The 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Academic Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (AAPLAC) will be hosted by Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode) through their InteRDom program in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from February 18 through 21, 2015. More than 50 educators representing programs in Latin America, as well as North American higher educational institutions, will come together in Santo Domingo to discuss best practices in international education and other topics related to the conference theme “Preparing Today’s Students to Uncover Local Realities in Latin America and the Caribbean.” This is the first time that the conference will be hosted in Santo... Read More