La memoria es algo curioso. A veces parece que lo más inusual desencadena un recuerdo que ha estado enterrado por mucho tiempo. Para mí, el detonador fue tratar de describir la fruta de aquí. Y el recuerdo fue un libro para niños: "The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear" ("El ratoncito, la fresa roja madura y el gran oso hambriento"). Creo que el título describe la trama adecuadamente, pero lo que recuerdo en esta historia es que el gran oso hambriento huele esta fresa a millas de distancia. Creo que esta historia es en realidad una alegoría. Los autores claramente estaban transmitiendo su experiencia con la fruta caribeña! El oso... Read More
Déjenme explicar: No soy una corredora. Puedo correr, pero no es bonito y no se ve bien (vean la foto más abajo de una caminata de 5k). Sin embargo, correr es la analogía perfecta para hablar de un lenguaje extranjero. En mi carrera, las primeras pocas millas no fueron tan malas. Pero la dificultad aumentó hasta que eventualmente sentí que inhalaba fuego y estaba empujando mis piernas a través de dagas. Me tomó cada gramo de autodisciplina (o locura) que tenía para poder seguir avanzando y terminé, pero estaba desgastada. Muy parecido a un auto que avanza sin gasolina, mis piernas seguían contrayéndose provocando que mis rodillas se doblaran a medida que tropezaba en mi... Read More
InteRDom Correspondent, Kim, has completed three years of her Bachelor's degree in FilmBy: Kim Sanchezand Video at the Visual Arts College at the University of Toledo in Ohio. She is participating in the 2013 10-week Caribbean Summer Program. You can read more about Kim and her participation in the Correspondent Program here.We went to Constanza on Sunday for a three mile hike and it was the best time! I had so much fun. I love hiking and being outdoors, but I made sure to shower myself with mosquito repellent first. I love mountains. I never see them back home. Some day I will climb taller mountains, but this was a nice day trip. I've been... Read More
By: Carlos GonzalezInteRDom Correspondent, Carlos, has completed three years of his Bachelor's degree in Political Science at St. Peter's University in New Jersey. He is participating in the 2013 10-week Caribbean Summer Program. You can read more about Carlos and his participation in the Correspondent Program here. Santo Domingo has offered me a wide range of fun experiences. I am amazed by the city’s lively nightlife, great restaurants and an unlimited option of malls on all corners of the city. There is definitely something to be said about the economic flow occurring in Santo Domingo. But as I am witnessing the perks of Santo Domingo residents, I am also witnessing the contrast with the Dominican Republic’s... Read More
By: Kim SanchezInteRDom Correspondent, Kim, has completed three years of her Bachelor's degree in Film and Video at the Visual Arts College at the University of Toledo in Ohio. She is participating in the 2013 10-week Caribbean Summer Program. You can read more about Kim and her participation in the Correspondent Program here.Dear Friends, I'm having a wonderful time here! Work is keeping me busy. I'm editing together footage from art expositions held at FUNGLODE. This country has a lot of cultural events to offer, you would love it here. I'm never bored! There is always something to do or to see here.Another intern and I went out to a neighborhood bar... Read More
By: Carlos GonzalezInteRDom Correspondent, Carlos, has completed three years of his Bachelor's degree in Political Science at St. Peter's University in New Jersey. He is participating in the 2013 10-week Caribbean Summer Program. You can read more about Carlos and his participation in the Correspondent Program here.I found myself swimming in crystal clear water, listening to merengue, and feeling the warm sun on my face last Saturday afternoon, when a few of the interns and I went to Boca Chica beach.Given that the Dominican Republic is an island in the Caribbean, I would have never thought that I would have to drive out of my house thirty minutes to get to a beach. Thirty minutes and... Read More
By: Kim SanchezInteRDom Correspondent, Kim, has completed three years of her Bachelor's degree in Film and Video at the Visual Arts College at the University of Toledo in Ohio. She is participating in the 2013 10-week Caribbean Summer Program. You can read more about Kim and her participation in the Correspondent Program here.Dear Family, I'm Not Dead!I was so nervous at the airport, but my anxiety quickly disappeared when I arrived to our apartment. It's much nicer than I imagined! We have lots of space, a full kitchen, and a balcony with a view of the ocean. I wanted to explore immediately!The first weekend the other interns and I ventured out into the neighborhood. We... Read More
By: Kim SanchezInteRDom Correspondent, Kim, has completed three years of her Bachelor's degree in Film and Video at the Visual Arts College at the University of Toledo in Ohio. She is participating in the 2013 10-week Caribbean Summer Program. You can read more about Kim and her participation in the Correspondent Program here."The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." St. Augustine Everyone around me seems to have a fear of traveling. They believe that other countries are foreign and dangerous. However, I believe the world is simply too big to stay in one place. I have this unsettling feeling that I’m living in a cage with the door... Read More
By: Giselle DeñóInteRDom Correspondent, Giselle, has completed the first year of her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science at Sciences Po, Reims, France. She is participating in the 2013 10-week Dominican International Student Program.You can read more about Giselle and her participation in the Correspondent Program here. Counting my days back to the island on an inexistent calendar has been excruciating. I’ve been torturing myself with this extreme consciousness of the day I set foot again on the soil that saw my birth, my growth and then later, my departure. Everyone says to oneself: “I won’t think about it” and that is the only thing you end up wondering about. The sun that’s so close you... Read More
By: Ioana PescaruIoana has completed three years of her Bachelor’s degree in Spanish, French and Media and Communication at Newcastle University in Newcastle, Great Britain. She is one of three students participating in the 2012 pilot of the InteRDom Correspondent Program, and is participating in the 2012 10-week Caribbean Summer Program, with special dates beginning July 1. You can read more about Ioana and her participation in the Correspondent Program here.My Dominican internship is over and I am now back home, in Europe where the fall is coming slowly with its rain, unfriendly clouds and crazy wind. But…no worries! The Dominican sun, hot weather and unforgettable memories will always be with me. It was really... Read More