In the words of Jody Lisbergerer, Associate Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies of the University of Rhode Island (URI), the InteRDom winter program, which concluded this past Friday, was “a superb trip” characterized by the “hard work and marvelous stewardship of the organizers”. This year’s participants in the InteRDom winter program were 8 political sciences students from URI, who started their journey on January 4th 2016. The program kicked off with a seminar at GFDD’s sister institution Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode), held by Professor Bisono, on the Political History of the Dominican Republic, where students were shown an illustrated time frame and key events of the Dominican Republic’s political history. The first part... Read More
There was a steady stream of excited students stopping at the booths of the 2015 University of Rhode Island (URI) Summer Job & Internship Fair on March 4, 2015, eager to learn about the different opportunities available to them this summer with the 54 organizations represented. InteRDom’s booth saw many students interested in summer placements in the Dominican Republic in the fields of health studies, political science, economics, psychology, marine affairs, biology, engineering, and many more. With the InteRDom program’s summer application deadline less than two months away (April 15), this is the peak time for students to start their search for summer opportunities, and the busiest time of year for the InteRDom admissions staff.... Read More
InteRDom is thrilled to be participating in the Summer Job & Internship Fair at the University of Rhode Island (URI) in Kingston, RI on March 4, 2015 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. The fair is hosted by URI Center for Career and Experiential Education and is located on campus at Memorial Union Ballroom. The InteRDom program has participated in many events at URI over the years, as well as hosting faculty-led short programs and placing students in individual internships in the Dominican Republic. This fair is a great opportunity for InteRDom representatives to meet students who are interested in performing international internships, and in years past has helped to recruit excellent candidates for programs... Read More
The InteRDom program is excited to host a new group of University of Rhode Island (URI) students for the fifth consecutive winter nursing program from January 4 – 16, 2015. During their two weeks in the country, students will perform service learning activities and explore cultural, professional, and social elements of Dominican society. The group this year consists of 14 nursing students and three professors who will participate in an orientation session in Santo Domingo before traveling to the town of Las Matas de Farfán. Once there, they will perform a week of medical and public health service activities. The group will return to Santo Domingo during the second week to participate in an in-depth... Read More
InteRDom representatives just finished an exciting few days celebrating International Education Week with the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, by participating in a handful of the numerous events planned on campus from November 17 – 21, 2014 designed to increase students’ awareness of and participation in international study, internship, work and volunteer programs. On Tuesday, November 18, InteRDom participated in Going Global: Finding an International Program that is Right for You, which was an informal discussion with URI College of Nursing faculty and alumni sharing their international experiences, hosted by the URI College of Nursing. The event attracted more than 40 students who were interested in learning about the two-week January term nursing program... Read More
InteRDom representatives have a busy and exciting week ahead, as they visit the University of Rhode Island (URI) in Kingston to celebrate International Education Week by attending a special panel discussion and participating in the Fall Internship and Job Fair and the Work, Internship and Volunteer Opportunities Abroad Luncheon on Thursday, November 20, 2014. InteRDom’s first event, Going Global: Finding an International Program that is Right for You, is a panel discussion by URI College of Nursing faculty and former students sharing their international experiences, which will be hosted by the URI College of Nursing on Tuesday, November 18, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in the Hillside main lounge on campus. During the panel, representatives... Read More