In celebration of International Education Week, Babson College Dominican students hosted five college students from the Dominican Republic on their campus as part of the Global Dominican Academic Exchange program, from November 2-8, 2015. The students bonded over cultural similarities while also being immersed in American-style business classes at Babson College. The agenda for the week included campus tours of Babson College and Harvard University, along with tours of historic sites of downtown Boston, museum visits, and basketball games. During the day students had the opportunity to attend business classes with their hosts, selecting the courses based on their majors and personal interests. Social activities were arranged at night time, where students attended a “SOCA”... Read More
For the fourth year in a row, InteRDom representatives will be participating in the eighth annual Work Abroad Fair at Baruch College in New York City on October 13, 2015. The fair is hosted by the Baruch College Weissman Center for International Business, and is located at the Information and Technology Building on the 7th Floor. The InteRDom program has a long relationship with Baruch College, both in hosting interns at their New York headquarters and placing students in internships in the Dominican Republic. This fair is a unique opportunity for program representatives to meet students who are interested in careers overseas, and in years past has helped recruit excellent talent for programs and opportunities in the Dominican Republic.... Read More
After 4 days of intensive working sessions, riveting speakers, cultural workshops and excursions and a lot of networking and exchange of ideas, the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Academic Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (AAPLAC) drew to a close on Saturday, February 21st with a final cultural excursion to the historic ruins of Boca de Nigua sugar plantation in the southwestern part of the Dominican Republic. The Boca de Nigua trip is the final of the cultural activities included in the program, which began with a guided tour through the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo. Participants also heard a workshop on the Dominican Carnival from renowned historian and cultural expert Dagoberto... Read More
The 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Academic Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (AAPLAC) will be hosted by Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode) through their InteRDom program in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from February 18 through 21, 2015. More than 50 educators representing programs in Latin America, as well as North American higher educational institutions, will come together in Santo Domingo to discuss best practices in international education and other topics related to the conference theme “Preparing Today’s Students to Uncover Local Realities in Latin America and the Caribbean.” This is the first time that the conference will be hosted in Santo... Read More
The Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), through its program InteRDom, hosted a networking breakfast on Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 for organizations and companies entitled “Globalization and Development of Caribbean Cities.” The breakfast was held at Café Filo of the Juan Bosch Library. This was the third and final such networking breakfast of the year, and the first one geared toward architecture and engineering professionals. The objective of this initiative is to facilitate opportunities for professionals in the same sector to share the knowledge and experience that contribute to the organizational development of their companies. Each event in the breakfast series also highlights the role interns... Read More
Activities for the Global Dominican Academic Exchange program (GDAE) 2014 drew to a close on Friday evening, November 7, when a special ceremony honored the participants in the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Georgia Transnational Law programs from September and October, 2014. The ceremony, held in the art gallery at Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrolllo, brought all twelve students together to view for the first time the video summaries of their experience and to receive their certificates of participation from the program organizers. GDAE manager Mandy Sciacchitano gave the words of welcome, with a reflection on the meaning of exchange and how it can change people and societies. “It is worth reflecting a... Read More
The other day I did an interview about my internship for InteRDom and one of the questions I was asked was “What makes the DR unique?” Having been to many places (in North America, Central America, Europe, Africa and Asia), I thought I was well equipped to answer the question, but the more I think about the more I realize it is a very difficult question. Yesterday, "mi suegra" (useful Spanish word for significant other’s mother) and I were talking about food and she started talking about Russian salad. Russian salads are common here. You can get them at the “Chinese” restaurant to go with your plantains and wontons, they are traditional around Christmas, at... Read More
To mark my somewhere-near halfway I thought I’d just give a little photo summary of my time here so far. These pictures are a combination of my phone photos as well as some I’ve found online. First, the view from the airplane: foggy, I could see the air was thick, the heavy clouds cast shadows on the deep green fields speckled with dots that up close must have been pieces of life: small towns, occasional roads and farm equipment. The occasional baseball diamond assured me I was landing in the right place. As we got closer to the city I was able to catch a glimpse of the ocean – a rich turquoise for deep... Read More
At some point in my day, I had this brilliant idea for a blog post… but it has disappeared into the abyss of lost thoughts, forgotten vocabulary words and disconnected streets that takes up most of my brain come evening. So, given that, you’re stuck with reading about work. I’ll try to make it worth your time though. Here is a “selfie” of me at work… and for fun, I’ll share the story that goes with it. The other day I had two awkward moments. The first was on the way to work when I tried to pay the share car driver with a quarter instead of 25 pesos! The second was shortly after I... Read More