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Alumni Program

With over 150 former participants, InteRDom alumni are members of a diverse community of students and professionals. Our alumni program can provide you with information, resources, and contacts that allow you to reconnect with old friends and form new relationships with potential colleagues, mentors, and employers.

Join our LinkedIn Alumni Group and update your contact information using the form below to discover opportunities—both domestic and international—to work, teach, intern, perform research, or continue your studies.

We’d love to hear about your post-InteRDom career and connect you with other InteRDom alumni.
Please take a moment to fill out your updated profile so we can stay in touch with upcoming events and opportunities, and feature your story to inspire future interns!

    Información de contacto actualizada

    Nombre *
    Apellido *
    Dirección postal *
    Ciudad/pueblo *
    Estado/Provincia *
    Código postal *
    País *
    Su correo electrónico *
    Teléfono *

    Actualmente soy estudiante

    LicenciaturaPostgradoAño SabáticoDoctoradoNo, actualmente no soy estudiante.

    Nombre de la universidad y carrera *

    Terminé mis estudios

    Grado obtenido
    Año de graduación
    Grado obtenido
    Año de graduación
    Grado obtenido
    Año de graduación

    ¿Está empleado actualmente?

    Si sí, ¿dónde? ¿Cuál es su cargo?
    ¿Cuáles son sus intereses académicos y/o profesionales? *
    ¿Le gustaría recibir información sobre eventos de networking y de ex alumnos organizados por InteRDom en el área donde reside?
    ¿Estaría dispuesto/a ser entrevistado/a para un artículo sobre ex alumnos o contribuir al blog de InteRDom?
    ¿Estaría interesado/a en proveer orientación a un futuro participante de InteRDom?


    “I was immensely impressed with my work with the InteRDom Program. Not only was my experience working with all InteRDom staff tremendously efficient, effective, and professional, but I found InteRDom to be thoughtful and innovative in their ideas for our collaboration in every way, including by partnering me with leaders in the Dominican business world for enriching and engaging idea exchange."

    Rachel I. Reiser Assistant Dean for the Undergraduate Program, Boston University School of Management

    “As a Dominican coming from abroad you come with fresh new eyes; through my internship I was able immerse myself in my own culture by acquiring knowledge of things I took for granted or just understood, but that in reality I knew little to nothing about."

    Giselle Deñó Sciences Po – Dominican International Student Program Summer 2013

    “The experience completely exceeded my expectations. The cultural knowledge and experiences I gained here far surpass any class I’ve ever taken. I’ve made lifelong friends and countless memories that I will hold onto for the rest of my life.”

    Ryan Cowen Rhode Island University - Expert in the Spanish Caribbean 2011